Ko nema pametnija posla nek dodje, obrenovachki pankeri U zmajevom gnijezdu i beogracki Cassidy's brewery pokushavaju da izvade fleke od proshle godine i Blue Moona u fakin Kuglashu (u Djushinoj br. neshto).
Ako niste na Egzitu ili nemate pametnija posla dodjite, bicje ludachka svirka.
"Willing is not enough, we must do. Knowing is not enough, we must apply."
"I don't like jellyfish, they're not a fish, they're just a blob
They don't have eyes, fins or scales, like a cod
They float about stingin' people in the seas
An' no one eats jellyfish with chips and mushy peas.
Get rid of them!"